We are pleased to inform you that a few months ago we started a new project: a self-financing livestock farming project
It's been a while!
Here's some news:
1) Self-financing livestock farming project
We are pleased to inform you that a few months ago we started a new project: a self-financing livestock farming project.
The idea is simple, and it's always the same: contributing to our own support through our work.
It's a work useful to the community, and necessary to maintain our organization and our projects.
The following pictures will explain this point far better than the words. We can just say that now Ransford and Felix are involved in the construction of new animal facilities. And with the help of an experienced breeder, for now things are going very well.
Everything is taking shape day by day. Thanks to Ransford who alternates work and specific training, to give the best. Thanks to Felix's constant and important commitment. And thanks to Kofi for the initial support. Thanks to all those who are involved in some way.

Follow us on Facebook to keep updated about this concrete work and other projects

2)This point is for some Ghanaian friends who recently contacted us.
Some people are asking about using our official registration codes for commercial purposes.
We do not have to remind you that this point is absolutely out of the question. Now and forever.
Listen dear friends: this is a non-profit organization. We work on a social-enterprise pattern, to self-finance our organization, which is, again, non-profit.
Any unauthorized use of our registration codes by third parties will be immedeatly referred to our competent Ghanaian authorities. Immedeatly. And this close the discussion. So take care.
Ofie Support Unit, July 2017